Title basically explains it have prowlarr and Flaresolverr setup and seemingly working fine But many Cloudflare protected sites are failing with Unable to access site blocked by CloudFlare Protection Flaresolverr

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Web Analysis for Agenliga77 agenliga77com 468 Rating by CuteStat agenliga77com is 3 years 7 months old Attention Required Cloudflare Page Resources Breakdown Homepage Links Analysis Website Inpage Analysis H1 Headings 2 H2 Headings 3 H3 Headings Not Applicable H4 Headings

This help content information General Help Center experience Search Clear search

Look URL in Attention Required page 5 by myemailforspam15 125 21921930 511 KB for all domains any other SEO links in any types for hidden and other places all time glowren November 6 2018 955am 28 sandro That page should come straight from Cloudflare

Cloudfare bot detection has probably marked your IP address or somehow detected a bot and is blocking your requests You can try to play with the user agent as some of the big corpos are whitelisted Apple uses facebooks and twitters

However for some websites instead of getting a preview I see Attention Required Cloudflare After doing some research I found this topic in Cloudflare support where they dive into this issue here is a quote incase url changes in the future A site visitor to a website that Cloudflare is protecting can see a captcha for the following reasons

Agenliga77 Attention Required Cloudflare

Error when displaying a link preview Attention Required Cloudflare

Agenliga77 Attention Required Cloudflare

Attention Required Cloudflare 136 GitHub

URL in Attention Required page Cloudflare Community

Prowlarr Flaresolverr Unable to access site blocked by CloudFlare

Ip flagged by cloudflare rCloudFlare Reddit

Agenliga77 Attention Required Cloudflare

Cloudflare Community

Cloudflares stringent security measures aim to provide a safe browsing experience to website owners and visitors However its inaccurate blocking might sometimes get on your nerves disrupting

Cloudflare Community forum post discussing the issue of users receiving an Attention Required error when sharing site links

Project Honey Pot is one of the primary sources of information Cloudflare uses when assigning a threat score to your IP address which in turn determines whether you will be presented with CAPTCHA challenges or experience other effects as the result of the perceived higher threat risk

How to Fix Cloudflare You Have Been Blocked Error Alphr

attention required cloudflare Google Chrome Community